Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Metal vs. Mettle

Metal versus Courage Metal versus Courage Metal versus Courage By Maeve Maddox At once, metal and guts were elective spellings for the material or substance a thing was made of. Traditional Latin metallum had the importance of mine or quarry just as the substances acquired from them. Metal is a hard, sparkly, pliable material like gold, silver, or copper that is utilized in the assembling of devices or antiques. It’s sparkling, pliable, and it conducts heat. The word metal can be utilized either as a mass thing or as a check thing: Pan handles are generally produced using wood or plastic since they don’t move heat just as metal. (mass thing) Metals assume a basic job in the formation of contemporary adornments by influencing appearance, toughness and cost. (check thing) Grit gets from a similar source as metal and was once utilized similarly. Since about the eighteenth century, be that as it may, courage has been saved for metaphorical use. It alludes to what an individual is â€Å"made of.† Mettle incorporates character, attitude, and disposition. It is regularly utilized with the action words test, demonstrate, and appear, especially in sports composing: Bruins Marchand shows his determination Djokovic must demonstrate his grit against Nadal on dirt Youthful sprinters test their courage during Hy-Vee runs Kelso indicated his strength and won by seventy five percent of a length. Shakespeare utilizes the word in Macbeth’s misogynist praise to his significant other after she criticizes him for delaying to murder Duncan: Deliver men-youngsters as it were; For thy steadfast backbone ought to make Only guys. â€Macbeth, I, vii, 72-74. The descriptive word dauntless depicts a cheerful, vivacious, energetic individual: In The Taming of the Shrew, Kate is Baptista’s relentless senior little girl. Relentless can likewise mean bold: Lã ¼ Kuang is straight from his triumphs in the west, and his troopers are energetic and mettlesome. â€The Art of War, XI. Applied to a creature, particularly a pony, it implies â€Å"lively, energetic, lively, frisky.† It can likewise be applied to an occasion: [The tennis players] conveyed a dauntless presentation through and through, bringing a definitive title under their names. Dauntless from the thing courage isn't to be mistaken for intrusive, the descriptor that goes with the action word intrude, â€Å"to interfere.† Hillsdale College Chief Remark Pricks Meddlesome Bureaucrats Instructions to Handle Your Meddlesome In Laws Interfere originates from a word meaning â€Å"to mix.† Meddlesome individuals blend in where they are not needed. Dauntless individuals are frequently amusing to know. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Misused Words classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†55 Boxing IdiomsHow to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Acetic acid from methanol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Acidic corrosive from methanol - Essay Example This bit of craftsmanship additionally gave me how difficult work pays as the individual swinging is having a ball because of the extravagance introduced by the encompassing. By and by, I can propose that social qualities have a more noteworthy reverberation than policy driven issues as introduced by this workmanship. Initially, the workmanship depicts how the world ought to show up regarding tidiness and how things ought to be organized in the cutting edge world or society. It additionally shows the class contrasts without requiring a lot of clarification as it is anything but difficult to decipher. â€Å"This is the latest bit of workmanship which was made in 2011 to connect to the screening of the film ‘The Exit to the Gift Shop’† (Kok 19). The scene where the workmanship was made is some good ways from where network individuals live. They were attempting to collect some cash by changing over the parking area into an advanced park with a decent play area. It is probably the most grounded case of my aesthetic work that has been pleasantly designed to catch practically all parts of the advanced imaginative work. This is a result of the shading utilized, outward appearance and the state of the craftsmanship. Its outward picture additionally gives more than one portrayal of what the craftsman was attempting to clarify not at all like his first imaginative work that demonstrated just one importance. The young lady swinging and the works on the divider are highlights that qualify this bit of craftsmanship to have more than one significance clarified in a similar bit of workmanship. It is significant that the space utilized is little yet the importance is expansive and can without much of a stretch be comprehended from the initial introduction by review the picture. From the outset as I watched the picture, it gave me an alternate significance after which it changed totally when I watched it basically. It impacted my perspective to give both the inward and outward importance to any masterful work before reaching a determination. This work is in this way current when contrasted with different works by different specialists. The given work shows some specialized foundation aptitudes where the craftsmen had the option to adjust every one of his components.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

How To Shut Down A Failing Product

How To Shut Down A Failing Product Here is one of the harsh realities of being in the business of manufacturing and selling products: at one point or another, sooner or later, they will fail. Customers will no longer be interested in them, and thus stop buying them. No matter how profitable they have been at one point, the novelty will wear out eventually, and the business will have no other choice but to bid farewell to it. © | jannoon028In this article, we shed the light on 1) the reasons for shutting down a failing product, 2) steps in closing down a product, and 3) saying goodbye: doing it right.REASONS FOR A PRODUCT SHUTDOWNOnce a product is failing to make a profit, it’s time to shut it down. It sounds simple enough, but that is not all there is to it. At which point should a business stop the manufacturing of a product or initiate the shutdown of an entire product line?When continuing its production and distribution has become a financial burden to the company. A simple cost-benefit analysis will easily answer the question on whether it is a burden financially or not. If it is revealed that the cost of production â€" from the raw materials, labor, overhead, to the selling and distribution costs â€" far exceed the selling price, and the company is actually incurring a loss on every unit produced, then it is time to say goodbye to it.When the company is having trouble finding the resources to continue making and selling the product. Is it becoming difficult to source out the materials? Is the business short-staffed and constantly looking for people for the operations pertaining to the product? If that’s the case, it is time to shut it down.When the company can no longer keep up the technical developments of the product to keep it competitive. One of the reasons why products go out of the market so fast is because new products are cropping up to take their place, offering more, bigger and better features. If the business finds that it can no longer fund the development â€" or redevelopment, as the case may be â€" of the product, then they should give up and look for other ideas instead.When producing that one product is adversely affecting the production of the other products of the business. It is possible that continuing producing the product is taking away vital resources that are used by the other products being manufactured by the business. In these i nstances, it would be a better idea to let go of the problematic area (products) and concentrate on the ones that are actually still working and making money.There are two general ways being followed by business when shutting down a product: by letting it run without providing support and further development to it until such time that it runs its course and “fades away”; and instituting a proper step-by-step closure procedure.The first option seems like the easier way, since it requires less work. However, when you think about the relationship that the business has established with its customers through the product, it does not bode well for the company’s customer service.Keep in mind that, for a period of time, your customers had developed a connection or even an attachment to your products. Therefore, letting it go just like that, by washing your hands clean and free of any involvement with it, is a disservice not only to your loyal customers, but to the brand and reputation that you have already established. You owe it to your users, at least, to give them proper closure, and that is through shutting down the failing product properly.STEPS IN CLOSING DOWN A PRODUCTShutting down a product is not done in one shot. It takes a certain degree of planning, and then it must be executed properly.But first, let us look into the question on the duration. How long should the closure process be? Ideally, the earlier, the better. If you have decided to eventually shut down a failing product, you should immediately start the process of closing it down. The planning stage along could take as long as 6 months but you should not go lower than 1 month, at the very least. This is so you can execute the steps properly, and with no rushing or becoming pressured on your side.There are two stages in closing down a failing product: the planning and the actual closure.The Planning StageIn all processes or activities, one of the most important stages happens at the beginning, during the planning. This is where you will map out all the steps that you will undertake, all the resources you will need, and how they will be put to use, and even the people involved. This is also the stage where you will be able to come up with alternative steps, should the original plan become derailed along the way, due to unforeseen circumstances.The planning stage should normally take at least 1 month and at most 6 months before the target date of closure of the product.1. Inform users The very first thing that you should do is to inform your users or your customers that you will be closing down the product. This is so you can give them advance warning and allowing them time to come to grips with the announcement. This will also give them plenty of time to make appropriate adjustments on their end, if necessary.For example, let us say that a business decides to stop manufacturing a specific kitchen utensil. It should inform its customers â€" which are mainly restaurants, hot els and coffee shops â€" early on so the latter can make new arrangements, such as find new manufacturers and suppliers of similar utensils.In a similar example, a company offering web hosting services is planning to stop offering this service in the future. Two to three months prior to the target date of closure, it informed its registered users about it so they would not be shocked or taken by surprise as much as when they are informed about it, say, two to three weeks before the closure.2. Help out your usersThis is closely related to the first step. Aside from merely informing them of the upcoming closure, you should also help them out. Ease their way, so to speak. This will effectively let you close down your product without parting with your customers on a bad note. That way, they will remain to have a good impression of you as a company and, in the future, are more likely to be willing to do business with you again.Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. What help do you req uire when you suddenly find out that the product you have been relying on for a long time will no longer be available sometime in the future? One of the things you can do is to make recommendations. For example, let them know about another company or business that makes a similar kitchen utensil. Let them know of any alternative product that they might be interested to look into. Not only will this earn you the appreciation of your customers, but it will also put you in a good light within the industry.This is also a sign of good customer service and support provided by your company, and we all know that customer service is part of the overall experience that all users are looking for when conducting a transaction with any company or business.3. Stop the creation of new users or customersUnderstand that there are bound to be several users who would not have received the information about your upcoming closure of the product. Do not assume that one or two announcements will inform †œeveryone”. There are bound to be several new users looking for the product that you are offering and, incidentally, planning to shut down.In the example shown above, once the web company announced it is shutting down its hosting services, its next move was to disable the utility in their website where new users can register and create an account with them. In the case of the kitchen utensil manufacturer, they should also stop entertaining new customers looking for new suppliers, and even stop receiving orders altogether.In a similar vein, you may also use your usual customer support and service channels to disseminate information and stopping the creation of new users. For instance, when new users contact your business or visit your online page, they are bound to have questions about your products. In the normal course of things, you would have answered their queries. However, this time around, you will be telling them about the closure and what it entails.4. Put a halt to the ma rketing of your failing product If you have a long-running marketing strategy or advertising campaign pertaining to the product you are intending to shut down. This is one effective way to stop attracting new customers.You can kill two birds with one stone when you spin your marketing into an announcement. For example, in the webhosting company’s website, the page where they usually placed ads for their hosting service, urging users to register or upgrade their subscription, will be transformed into a page announcing the upcoming closure. You will be informing users in no uncertain terms that the service will be discontinued and will no longer be offered, and you will also stop your marketing efforts.If the marketing strategy involves having sales representatives going from house to house to personally advertise your product, have them stop their rounds. If you availed the services of an automated email marketing service provider, you should also properly and duly terminate your c ontract with them, so they will not be sending emails to potential users.5. Providing reiterationsConsider the announcement as your initial information dissemination campaign. But that alone should not be enough. You also have to provide reminders â€" closer to the date, and even final reminders one or two days before the actual date of closure. At the risk of sounding repetitive or even nagging, this is to ensure that everyone will be truly aware that you are shutting down the product.As you get closer to the target date of closure, there is a need to reiterate the fact to users. This is because, with the passage of time, the fact about the shutdown may have slipped their minds and they would not have had the opportunity to take proper action, if necessary.Businesses with strong online presence do this by sending reminder e-mails. Making phone calls, especially to major customers, is also done by some businesses. When sending reminders, do it at least one or two weeks before the cl osure date, so as to prevent them from panicking due to its last minute nature.Final reminders, on the other hand, are sent one (or two, in some cases) day prior to the closure of the product.The Closure StageThis is where you will finally make your goodbyes to your failing product. The target date of closure has finally arrived. The product has been discontinued; it is no longer being produced or manufactured, and it will no longer be offered to users or customers. What’s next?1. Clear all your financial issuesThis is where you have to clear all liabilities or accountabilities that you have related to the product. Do you, somehow, owe money to your users? How will you settle them?For example, in the webhosting business, there is a chance that some subscribers may be demanding refunds of payment of hosting services that they have paid in advance. Will you refund their money outright? Or will you offer the application of their payments to other services instead? Perhaps you are off ering other hosting packages, then you could probably see if the users you owe money to would be willing to switch to the other packages (in the event that they did not do so already during the planning stage).Settle all outstanding financial obligations that you have in an appropriate manner to avoid conflicts in the future.2. Clear all contact information pertaining to the productOne common error by companies that have closed down a product is failing to sever all ties relating to them. This is mostly seen in online or internet-based companies. They have already closed the product, but there are still vestiges of the product online, such as URLs or links to the product, and even email addresses where new users will still be able to send messages to regarding the closed product.Make arrangements for any redirects, or devise a way so that all emails sent to the address will receive automated replies that the product no longer exists. The same is true for other accounts that are dire ctly related to your product, such as Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts. It does not make sense to maintain product pages on these platforms when the product is no longer available.SAYING GOODBYE: DOING IT RIGHTAs some songs say, “there is no easy way to say goodbye”, but you can make the process easier and smoother for all parties concerned. Here are some helpful tips to facilitate the shutdown.1.  Craft your message clearly, completely.Whether you are delivering your message via email, letter, or even a phone call, you have to make sure that you are communicating the closure in a way that your recipients will understand. Be honest and frank; do not make things up.What should your message contain?Let them know about the current status on the closing. How far along are you on the plans of closing the product?Explain clearly the seasons for the shutdown, so they will be able to understand why you have to close the product.Let them know that you are fully aware of the impact of closing the product on them as users. This will make you seem less uncaring about how the shutdown will affect them negatively.You should also give them more than a glimpse on how the shutdown will impact or affect the business. Remind them that they are not the only ones losing a product they have relied on for a long time, but that you, the business, will also be losing a product that you have been manufacturing and selling to them for the same length of time.Thank them for sticking with your product for as long as they have. In doing so, they have also stuck with your business and supported you, even in the smallest possible way. Show your gratitude and, often, the best way to do that is by expressing it in words. “Thank you” is already a powerful phrase by itself and conveys much of what you are feeling towards the users.2. Do not stick to just one channel of communicating with your users. Some stop at just sending emails. Keep in mind that not everyone reads t heir emails and, even if they do, there are high chances of your email ending up in their spam folder or the promotions tab that hardly gets any attention. If possible, make the announcement on a public platform, say, on print or on your business and product pages’ social media accounts. Put it on your home page. Make calls. Write formal letters. Choose two or three methods, but do not just stick to a single one.3. In all your dealings with the users, show a reasonable degree of courtesy. Be polite, from the time you have made the announcement, to the final reminder, and even when dealing with users even after the closure. Demonstrate class when dealing with them. There are bound to be complaints and whining, and even downright rude users. Even so, be gracious. Understand that they are losing something, just as you are, and so they cannot help but be displeased by the whole thing.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Brothers of the Bible - 1660 Words

Brothers of the Bible The Old Testament sibling rivalries between Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers were similar in some ways and different in others, but they all hold lessons for us today, for brothers today still face many of the same problems in life that challenged brothers thousands of years ago. Cain and Abel were in a situation much more unique than Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers faced, for the society they lived in was extremely small, and they each had a direct relationship with God. As the book of Genesis tells us, Cain was the first born son of Adam and Eve. Their next son was a boy whom they named Abel. As Cain and Abel grew up both took responsibilities for making a living.†¦show more content†¦(Abingdon, 521) As noted briefly above, the rivalry was heightened even more because their father Isaac liked Esau better than Jacob for the wild game Esau brought home from hunting, while their mother Rebekah liked Jacob better because he learned to cook and to do other things to help her around their home. The simmering rivalry came to a head when Jacob tricked Esau out of his birthright, and then tricked Isaac into giving him the blessing hed intended to give Esau. Enraged, Esau vowed to kill Jacob. When they finally met again Jacob was ready to completely submit to Esau, but when they saw each other, Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. (Genesis 33:4) Esau comes across as callous and uncaring, easily outwitted regarding what might naturally be his, desiring more a satisfied present than a secure future. And on the other hand, Jacob is presented as a clever and opportunistic individual, who knows what he wants. He takes advantage of a brother in need. (Abingdon, 522) Essentially, the story of the rivalry between Jacob and Esau is one in which the Scriptures show the importance of forgiveness. Esau forgave his brother, and they were reconciled. This relates to many families to day, for children are often competitive, especially brothers, and should heed the example set by Esau. TheShow MoreRelatedEssay on Brothers of the Bible1624 Words   |  7 PagesBrothers of the Bible The Old Testament sibling rivalries between Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers were similar in some ways and different in others, but they all hold lessons for us today, for brothers today still face many of the same problems in life that challenged brothers thousands of years ago. 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Shakespeare knew his bible, and his work often incorporated and examined biblical themes. Shakespeares last completed work was The Tempest, and it is as complex and deeply moving as any of his works. ReadersRead MoreThe King James Version Of The Bible1517 Words   |  7 Pagesof the many in the King James Version of The Bible, that tells one who Joseph really was. Joseph was only 17 years old when he was introduced in the Bible. Joseph, was his father’s favorite out of all his brothers, he knew it-and so did they. He received a coat of many colors, which back in this time period everyone had coats; however, the coat given to Joseph was ankle length and in beautiful colors (meaning royalty). The coat, according to the Bible, was given to Joseph by his father to make him

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Productive Players Online Computer Games - 1397 Words

Critical Review Humphreys, S. (2005.) â€Å"Productive Players: Online Computer Games’ Challenge to Conventional Media Forms.† Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 2(1), pp. 37-51. The article I am going to review is Productive Players: Online Computer Games’ Challenge to Conventional Media Forms, written by Sal Humphreys in 2005. The journal was published in Journal of Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies and the author is a creative industries researcher who works at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. The article is mainly about an emergent form of the relationships in computer games—how the social relationships have changed to adapt to new types of community networks, using EverQuest as an example. In the†¦show more content†¦She considers the existing Intellectual Property Laws may obstruct the development of the creativity in the virtual environment. Also, she refers to the previous research of operation patterns in the industry of computer games. In this setting, content regulation appears a more related system than property laws that address proprietorship, circulation and access to the media. It is challe nging to balance the interests of different parties and ownerships of copyrights, and accommodate the burgeoning system. This paper examines and reflects the differences between the conventional media and the online multiplayer games.Basically, the conventional media followed a linear model, in which the roles of the publisher and the players are clearcut, that is, the publisher is the producer while the players are the consumer. However, for the online multiplayer games, such as the EverQuest, the players can also be producers as the time when they are playing the games. It thus generates three critical problems that are related to the regulation, intellectual property, culture and commerce. Generally speaking, the article is logical and the distribution of paragraphs is consistent and explicit. The explanation of how players can be treated as productive players who create commercial value and suggestions for improvement for EverQuest is vivid and understandable. There is a clear introduction of the changing relationships from conventional online game rules of receiving

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ansoff Matrix , Pdf Free Essays

string(105) " no foreign exchange controls, quotas or trade barriers and import duties and tariffs are extremely low\." Strengths | Weaknesses | Fast decision making|   Ã‚  Negative image of the Middle East|   Ã‚  Oil money, booming economy|   Ã‚  Barren desert, the lack of natural resources|   Ã‚  Political neutrality and impartiality|   Ã‚  Only 20% of UAE nationals|   Ã‚  Unique beauty, hotels and attractions|   Ã‚  The lack of fundamental infrastructure: transportation, water|   Ã‚  Luxury experience includes relaxing beaches and invigorating sport and exploration opportunities|   Ã‚  Luxuries might appeal too small a segment|   Ã‚  Safe environment|   | |   | Opportunities | Threats | Increasing oil price|   Ã‚  Strong competitors: within the region: Abu Dhabi, Qatar; outside of region: Singapore, Hong Kong|   Ã‚  Increase job opportunities for immigrants and natives|   Ã‚  Oil running out in 30 years|   Ã‚  Growing luxury market|   Ã‚  Terrorism and war could further negative image of Middle East, UAE|   Ã‚  Increase in foreign investment|   Ã‚  Limited media coverage|   Ã‚  Proactive attitude|   | Well-developed MICE environment|   | A successful small business should communicate to the customer why they should pick you among the myriad of options in your industry today. For that A SWOT analysis should be done from a realistic point of view and keeping in mind a very discerning customer. The analysis should also consider the standards of the industry and your major competitors. We will write a custom essay sample on Ansoff Matrix , Pdf or any similar topic only for you Order Now A basic SWOT analysis should be Strengths Anything that the industry requires, that you do well and your competitor doesn’t do can be your strength. For example your company’s distribution channels, your direct marketing approach, your patented high end product. Weaknesses We can all list strengths, but can we be realistic and list weaknesses? This might be the take off point for any small business. Weaknesses can be anything from non efficient staff to a lack luster front end office. Opportunities Successful business turns threats to Opportunities. Opportunities abound today’s ever dynamic world, where new markets are being formed and the customer is being provided with revolutionary products. Opportunities can come as new business regulations or even a wrong move by your competitor. Threats How you identify and tackle threats will pave your path to success. A new competitor with a more sophisticated product can be a threat. Being aware of this in advance and making a better package for the customer to stand up against the competitor’s new product is how a threat becomes an opportunity. SWOT is simple and like all simple and age old strategies very powerful. SWOT is a starting point and is also plays a major part in strategic planning. Pest analysis of UAE Name: United Arab Emirates. The Emirates are: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah, and Fujairah. Government: Federation of the seven Emirates, each with its own ruler. President: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Area: 83,600sq. Km (including 200 islands) Location: Middle East, bordering the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, between Oman and Saudi Arabia Population: 2,407,460 and includes 1,576,472 non-nationals July 2001 Language: Arabic (official), Persian, English, Hindi, Urdo Religion: Muslim 96% (Shi’a 16%), Christian, Hindu, and other 4% Climate: Desert; cooler in eastern mountains Currency: The UAE Dirham (Dh) or (AED), 1Dh = 100 fils Exchange Rate: 3. 671 Dh per US $1 (http://www. uaeforever. com) Political factors: The political situation in the UAE is stable. The Emirates banking systems have developed; relationship based banking and monetary system that is capable to fulfill later stage funding supplies, whether it is equity, loans or leasing. Almost banking organizations, represented by almost every major financial institution in the world can either invest or assist in accessing UAE’s emerging capital markets. Gaining commercial loans in the UAE is based on established credibility and relationships with influential people to create a more stable political atmosphere. The government mainly sets up the financial politics but there are organizations such as the ADCCI (Abu Dhabi Camber of Commerce and Industry) that serve as a bridge between the private sector and the government. ADCCI provides a wide range of services, such as setting up the Sheikh Khalifa Fund to provide technical and financial support for small-medium enterprises set up by the youth, they also organize trade fairs, sending delegations abroad to promote Abu Dhabi as a commercial center and initiating training programs that train nationals to join the private sector. The strong banking system increases presence of venture capital and government funding provide substantial financial resources to foreign and local entrepreneurs. The most crucial factor is raising capital for a new foreign entrepreneur is to establish good relationships with local guarantors or other established foreign entrepreneurs. The best thing to do here is to get a network of contacts essential for successful business in the system Political risk factors Four types of political risk factors must be examined in assessing the climate for investment in any given country. They are: 1. Regime change: A change in key government personnel through normal electoral or authorized political processes, or through illegal means. 2. Political turmoil: General levels of politically inspired violence, including violent strikes, guerrilla action, or civil war 3. Government policy: Decisions with respect to fiscal and monetary policies, trade restrictions or foreign investment regulations. 4. External events: other countries actions that affect the country of concern. (book: Global Investing page 89). Taxes The UAE does not have any enforced federal income tax legislation for general business nor is any such tax envisaged in the foreseeable future. Taxation on trade or business income would be, in theory, based on income tax decrees issued by the individual Emirates prior to the crediting of UAE as federation in 1971. To income tax decree has been enacted by each Emirate, in practice the enforcement of these decrees is restricted to foreign banks and oil companies. To incant investors there is no personal taxation in the UAE. Except for oil and gas-producing companies that pay royalties and taxes on their proceeds and foreign banks that pay 20% of their profits, there are no direct corporate income taxes; there are no preservation taxes. In the free zones, enterprises are granted at least a 15-year tax exemption guarantee regardless of the changes in the laws. The currency is fully convertible and there are no taxes on the repatriation of capital or earnings. Further, there are no foreign exchange controls, quotas or trade barriers and import duties and tariffs are extremely low. You read "Ansoff Matrix , Pdf" in category "Papers" (Book: Banking in the UAE) Economic factors: In the last fifteen years the economy of UAE has move very quickly. The discovery of oil and its development provided the drive to the local trade, which earlier mainly represented the entrepot trading activities of Dubai. The primary trade strength of the UAE has been reconfirmed by the really strong economy, which was almost unconstrained by the Gulf War and other regional events. (book: UAE Economy) The banking system consists of the Central Bank, 21 national banks with 281 branches, 28 foreign banks with around 1,001 branches, one restricted license bank, two investment banks and 10 representative offices. The Central Bank acts as the government’s advisor on financial and monetary matters, issues currency and controls the banking sector. The national banks have a dominant share of the market. The leading institutions are National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Emirates Bank International, National Bank of Dubai, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and Mashreq bank. The foreign commercial banks have about 25% of the market share and hold roughly the same amount in total bank assets. The regulation of the UAE financial market was taken a further step in March 2000 with the launch of the Dubai Financial Market, which made the buying and selling of stocks official previously, this had to be carried out informally through private investment agencies. With less than 10 companies listed and Volume of $1 million in daily transactions, the Dubai Financial Market is early to provide an environment sufficiently attractive to act as a magnet for the massive overseas reserves (estimated at $600 billion by the IMF). There are even investments for foreigners now in the Emirates. A recent announcement made by public joint stock company EMAAR properties (owned 32% by the Dubai government) to allow foreigners to own up to 20 percent of shares is a major move towards opening up of the UAE financial market to international capital. Economic analysis in the UAE is difficult as there are delays by the federal and emirate governments in publishing comprehensive and accurate statistics in a timely manner. The private sector institutions including banks and foreign oil companies are not allowed to disseminate statistics directly to the public. The UAE has an open economy with one of the highest GDP per capita in the world and a sizable annual surplus. (www. emirates. org/economy). This pie outlines the economic sectors GDP for year 1994: The UAE has good economic conditions including strong currency; strong GDP and population growth (present rate approximately 6. 5% per year) therefore, provides significant opportunities for entrepreneurs in non-oil related sectors Porter five force model on Dubai The UAE retail sector continues to grow, supported by the upgrading of existing retail stores and the addition of state of the art new mega retail stores. The UAE market presents retailers with diverse relatively high-income consumers. Exporters who are willing to establish personal relationships, consolidate shipments, and meet the labeling requirements of the UAE market will find a rapidly growing sector in which to sell a wide range or products. Annual sales in the industry are estimated at $3. 5 billion. The UAE food retail sector continues its aggressive growth. More large type stores are being built. French retail chain already operates in the market while a new one is being prepared to launch its services. Value of retailed products are currently estimated by trades at about $2. billion. The French Retail Giant, Carrefour, has moved aggressively into the retail of food and non-food products in the United Arab Emirates and is expected to open at more locations across the UAE. Other Arabian Peninsula markets are definitely in the cards for this retailer as consumers go more and more for low prices and everything under one roof. Th e author analyzes the Food Retail Industry in the UAE in Michael Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. It uses concepts developed in Industrial Organization (IO) economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of a market. Porter referred to these forces as the microenvironment, to contrast it with the more general term macro-environment. They consist of those forces close to a company that affect its ability to serve its customers and make a profit. A change in any of the forces normally requires a company to re-assess the marketplace Food Retail Industry in the UAE– Porter’s Five Forces Strategy Analysis The UAE retail sector continues to grow, supported by the upgrading of existing retail stores and the addition of state of the art new mega retail stores. The UAE market presents retailers with diverse relatively high-income consumers. Exporters who are willing to establish personal relationships, consolidate shipments, and meet the labeling requirements of the UAE market will find a rapidly growing sector in which to sell a wide range or products. Annual sales in the industry are estimated at $3. 5 billion. The UAE food retail sector continues its aggressive growth. More large type stores are being built. French retail chain already operates in the market while a new one is being prepared to launch its services. Value of retailed products are currently estimated by trades at about $2. 5 billion. The French Retail Giant, Carrefour, has moved aggressively into the retail of food and non-food products in the United Arab Emirates and is expected to open at more locations across the UAE. Other Arabian Peninsula markets are definitely in the cards for this retailer as consumers go more and more for low prices and everything under one roof. Aruvian’s R’search analyzes the Food Retail Industry in the UAE in Michael Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. It uses concepts developed in Industrial Organization (IO) economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of a market. Porter referred to these forces as the microenvironment, to contrast it with the more general term macro-environment. They consist of those forces close to a company that affect its ability to serve its customers and make a profit. A change in any of the forces normally requires a company to re-assess the marketplace How to cite Ansoff Matrix , Pdf, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Tax Incentives and Tax Benefits Free Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Tax Incentives and Tax Benefits. Answer: Tax Incentives Tax incentives and tax benefits are an important tool that the government uses to reach out to its citizens and help them with issues that are of national importance. Tax incentives help to reduce the burden on citizens and also help to make some services affordable to the public. The Australian government uses tax benefits to offer incentives in three key areas which are namely the purchase of housing properties, the purchase of private health insurance and superannuation (Carey, 2006). The government assists people through these policies to have a chance to live a self-reliant life and also have access to basic needs such as health and housing. The governments help has made the services affordable to everyone which helps to provide good living standards among the citizens of Australia. The use of these policy helps to encourage people to lead better lives that may support the growth of the nation and also have citizens who are happy with the government operations (Waldie, 2005). These kinds of policies are justified. The reason being the government has a responsibility to care for its citizens therefore the use of these policies helps to administer that role to the country. The policies are justified as they help to improve the lives of people which helps them lead better lives. The use of tax incentives for instance in housing is critical and justified because it helps people to acquire affordable housing and lead sustainable development. Policies such as this offer direct gains to people thus enabling them to live lives that are healthier and responsible. Such policies are also justifiable given that they increase spending in the economy leading to the awakening of industries that are currently in recession (William, 2004). There are alternatives to tax benefits of these kind that a government may opt to embrace. The government can opt to use an alternative such as issuing grants for people to access in a certain sector. The other alternative could be the use of low interest rate loans for investments in certain fields. The use of low interest rates can be applied like in housing loans and mortgages to achieve the same effect as the tax incentives. The government can also adopt legislation that is meant to offer free services to the public to help make basic needs accessible by all persons in the country (Lisa, 2000). The alternatives however do not compare to incentivized taxing because it helps to reduce pricing in the long run and encourages various people to sign up for the program. References Carey McWilliams. (2006). Southern California: An island on the Land. Los Angeles. California: University of California. D.J. Waldie. (2005). Holy land: a suburban Memoir. Los Angeles: Norton and Company. Lisa McGirr. (2000). Suburban Warriors: The origins of the new American right. Princeton: Princeton University. William Deverell.(2004) Whitewhashed Adobe; The rise of Los Angeles and the remarking of its Mexican past. Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Performing Arts and Inspiration Persuasive Essay Example For Students

The Performing Arts and Inspiration Persuasive Essay Many times when thinking about dance the first thing comes to mind is a concert or dancing in a bar. Never did think dancing was a work Of art. Dancing can be used for many things, one particular is communication. Vive chosen two styles Of dance thats dear to me Which is ballet and jazz dance. Dance is one Of the most universe activities in the world. Its used on several different occasions. Ballet is an art of dance created by body movement. Ballet began in Italy in the 15th century. According, to the (Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre. 2014), In the 16th century, Catherine De Medici, an Italian noblewoman, wife of King Henry II of France and a great patron of the arts, began to fund ballet in the French court. Her elaborate festivals encouraged the growth of ballet De court, a program that included dance, decor, costume, song, music and poetry. A century later, King Louis XIV helped to popularize and standardize the art form. We will write a custom essay on The Performing Arts and Inspiration Persuasive specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now A passionate anger, he danced many roles himself, including that to the Sun King in Ballet De la unit. His love of ballet fostered its elevation from a past time for amateurs to an endeavor requiring professional training. In ballet the use of line is use quite often. The body movements are the main focus in ballet. A ballet dancer is mainly dancing on point or toe work. Rhythm is also important in ballet because as a dancer the routine has to be exact as practiced. Choreographers work really hard to make sure the art is performed correctly. Jazz dance is mainly for entertainment. When hear jag dance I instantly think about guitars and drums beating to reggae beat. Jazz dance is a body movement along with a tap. Jazz dance is fun when a group Of people are involved. Jazz dance is an American form of dance that developed in the early asss as both African and European peoples began to mix their dance traditions. Africans focused on rhythms and torso movement and Europeans on musical harmonies, folk and social dances. (Charade, C. A. 005) When performing jazz dance the body is moving in efferent rhythm, the arms can be in one position while the legs are performing a totally different move. Jazz dancers mainly perform solo or unless at a parade. This particular dance influences each dancer to be better and more involve with new routines. According, to (Charade, C. A. 2005) During the past 15 years, jazz dance has become the basis of music videos, The combination of rap, singing and jazz dance have spawned hip-hop. Ballet a nd Jazz dance both are very in debt when it comes to learning them.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Concentric Circles of Concern Essays

Concentric Circles of Concern Essays Concentric Circles of Concern Paper Concentric Circles of Concern Paper Essay Topic: The Lord Of the Rings the Fellowship Of the Ring What may have been a death sentence o some, was seen as a new ministry door to him. Dry. Thompson enjoyed a fruitful minister as a pastoral consultant to the Cancer Counseling and Research Foundation; and pastoral consultant and board member of the Trinity Valley Hospice Association, Inc. Thompson died of cancer in 1980, leaving behind his wife Carolyn and daughter Dammars. In his final years were primarily spent ministering to those who were terminally ill. Dry. Claude V. King, editor for Concentric Circles of Concern. Though no biographical information was found readily available, Kind deserves at least this minimal bal line. His editorial works Include numerous popular authors, books and studies Including, Henry T Blacks Experiencing God series, T. W. Hunts Mind of Christ and In Gods Presence and Break Down the Walls by Raleigh Washington and Glen Kernel. It should be noted that King has contributed to numerous projects that have greatly impacted the Christian World. Content Summary In Concentric Circles of Concern, Dry Thompson maintains; The most important word in the human language, apart from proper nouns, is relationship (p. 8). He contends that relationships are the most important aspect of the human life, tracing the root cause of all problems facing humankind to ruptured relationships (p. 10). The premise of this book Is to understand that evangelism can only be real and effective when It flows out of a proper vertical connection with God and through a proper horizontal connection to others. Certainly one has to agree with this statement as the original fall of man, resulted in and continues to flow through a broken relationship D e teen a Adam. Nile It Is Volta as consultants to note Tanat ten atonement AT the second Adam, Christ has forever made reconciliation possible. It remains mans responsibility to respond to Gods invitation to be reconciled. Further, this reconciliation, provides the basis for a fresh vertical flow of the Holy Spirit, thus connecting an to Gods overall plan. Man then is empowered to become a minister of reconciliation to others. The Holy Spirit can freely flow through and to other s in our relational circle. This flow has the potential to demonstrate unconditional love and forgiveness to all it comes in contact with. However, If there are ruptured relationships between you and those in your concentric circles, there is going to be a rupture on the flow of the Holy Spirit through your life (24). The primary purpose of his book then, is to help direct the reader through a methodical assessment of ones personal or concentric relationships for the purpose of correcting and connecting people in a kingdom way. Dry. Thompson passion for reconciliation permeates his writings and seems to have deeply effected thousands of students over the years. At the core of his instruction, a diagram is utilized to define the Concentric Circles of Concern as well as the steps to ensure proper relationship. This reader, particularly appreciated the fact that this diagram and process was birthed out of months (perhaps years) of personal prayer ND study of the New Testament. The treasure Dry. Thompson sought was not another sermon or seminar, but rather a pattern of evangelism that might be in keeping with New Testament patterns and prove culturally relevant regardless of time of ethos. In my opinion, Dry. Thompson indeed struck gold, and we who benefit from his discoveries, owe him a deep debt of gratitude for the insight and his courage in pioneering change. Given the proper investment of time and effort, this book will assist any believer in both repairing their interpersonal relationships as well as assisting in the eternal redemption of others. Thompson once convinced of the validity of this patter, both re-thought and re-taught everything he was doing in the field of evangelism. The pattern consists of seven concentric circles that represent seven different levels of relationships. Beginning with ones self moving progressively outward through family, relatives, friends, neighbors and associates, acquaintances to person X (that unexpected kingdom connection). The author then leads the reader through a seven step process that helps insure that each relationship is whole and accessible to the Holy Spirits uninterrupted flow. That process begins with getting right. This encompasses the clearing of past offenses, getting right with God, yourself and others as mentioned in Matthew 5:23-24. The readers is then led to precede to survey existing relationships. This helps to determine those previously overlooked opportunities to share Christ love. Thirdly, we are to assume a posture of prayer, allowing Gods Holy Spirit to work in and through us in intercession and reconciliation. The fourth step in the process is the building of relational bridges into the lives of those God has revealed to us. These bridges are reinforced by step vive, the showing of Gods love and compassion. The act of showing love to others is often best communicated by the meeting of felt needs. Christ certainly used this method to build bridges into the hearts of a lost world. I John states that Jesus went about doing good and undoing the works of the devil. As this love becomes real to our Antennae recipients, teeny will Decode open to our message AT reconciliation anon respond by receiving Christ as Lord and Savior. That leads to the sixth step of making disciples. Dry. Thompson was very clear that decisions are only the first step toward splices. As our new eternal relationships develop, the reader is encouraged to utilize the same seven step process to assist the new convert in getting right with God and others and then moving on toward disciple multiplication. Evaluation In my opinion, Dry Thompson does indeed achieve his goal of developing and presenting a reproducible (New Testament) pattern for making disciples (p. 16). The seven stage strategy laid out from page 23 to 199 clearly defines biblical patterns of fulfilling the great commission of Christ. Furthermore his entire theses is built on the Renville of Jesus teaching regarding the most important commands found in Matthew 22:37-39; Love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your heart and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. In fulfilling these two commands one can be assured of not only living a life that is divinely connected to God, but a life that is over flowing with the Holy Spirit. Dry Thompson rightly, deduces that the root cause of every problem facing mankind today is the rupture of relationships. This would include marital issues such as divorce. Family issues such as rebel lious children or generational gaps. One can easily see this played out in business issues and world wars. Relationships that have eroded due to inappropriate behavior give way to a ruptured communication and fellowship lines. This rupture then impedes not only the flow of communication and mutual love and concern. It will also disrupt the potential of the Holy Spirit in and through the life of a believer. Jesus highlighted this in Matthew 5:23-26 regarding the responsibility of every worshipper to ensure his legislations are whole prior to making his offering to God. Dry Thompson not only provides a well thought out and logical approach to repairing relationship, but he also provides a step by step strategy to share Christ and bring others to faith. He rightly concludes that the best relationships should be those which are closest to the believer. If believers are incapable of having proper relationships at home, then evangelism outside of the home is greatly hindered. Christians must be willing to forgive as Christ does?without conditions (p. 91). Once the believers relationship tit God and others are right, then the individual is ready to reach the world with the Gospel. What I found most interesting and potentially helpful was the seven stage strategy for reproducing Christ followers. As previously stated, every first step begins with ones personal relationship with Christ. Am I right with God? If so, am I right with those closest to me? Onward this question goes as I survey the state of my relationship to God and others. Once I know that I have done all I can do to establish a clear flow of kingdom compassion, I am then able to begin working through the six manning steps of surveying, praying, bridge building, loving and making disciples. Those that come to Christ through our personal relationship will certainly desire to continue this process in their own lives, so now true discipleship multiplication can begin. Nile some may Tina Dry I monsoons approach steeped In Baptist Jargon, (en 010 rater all teach evangelism at Southwestern Seminary) it in no way hindered his message or tainted his conclusions. Again, one can surmise that he hails from thoroughly evangelical and Calvinist underpinnings. Yet, his message is not contingent upon NY one thought, but a series of clearly displayed biblical principles. The overall message of this book rings loud and c lear that relationships are the most important gift we have to steward. God in fact instituted relationships from the earliest moments in the Garden in Eden when HE established an ongoing friendship with Adam. This was further underscored when God stated, It is not good for man to be alone (Gene 2:18). We can also surmise from this book as well as scripture that relationships are the only treasure from this life that we are allowed to enjoy in heaven. Relationship are eternal! There are a couple of ideas that I did not fully agree with. First the Dry Thompson strategy seems a bit too neat and systematic. One is left with the impression (at least) that if every step is followed, then the outcome is secured. That seems to border on a works based evangelism. Secondly, it is suggested that if we meet the felt needs of people they WILL come to Christ. While the book never states this idea outright, it makes certain allusions to the power of meeting a felt need. It is true, that Christ Himself demonstrated compassion daily, however, He did not heal or minister to every person that had needs. The caution that I have regarding the book and this point is that some may tend toward a man/ works centered evangelism. That being said, it is in no way insinuated by the author that anyone can come to Christ apart from the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Yet, some who lack a more than a social conversion may misinterpret his words in light of a social gospel. Certainly the power to do good, both satisfies and improves the lives of others. However, no one is put back in to right standing with God with out true Holy Ghost conviction, heart level repentance, and faith oriented confession of Jesus as Lord. This particular weakness, while present should not be deemed enough to short change the potential of this literary work. This book would be a great resource for any Christian individual or group that cares for humanity. The concepts are clear and concise enough as to provide the necessary tools for ages 12 and up. The reading and discussion of this material, coupled with the use of the extensive exercises at the end of each chapter will make this both timeless and effective for any would be soul winner. This would be a great small groups or new believers class material. The concept of clear and clean relationships should be the Joy and aim of very believer. The material covered within this book, gave me great insight into my own life and relationships. The simple and clear processes in which it led me through gave me a real understanding of how simple and important clear relationships are. Overall, this would be a great book for any church or Christian group to utilize in formulating a fresh new approach to reaching the lost. The personal and group activities suggested at the end of each chapter will help each reader to internalize every principal as well as implement an action plan for restoring relationships and advancing Gods kingdom.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Various Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Various Assignments - Essay Example The Balkans’ invasion was meant to open up borders to facilitate the Axis’s invasion of the Soviet Union. However, resistance from two main ethnic groups in the Balkans and ethnic conflicts in the Balkans complicated the Axis’s efforts and these incidents culminated to hold the Axis at bay until the Red Army arrived holding the Axis back until Germany finally surrendered (Bishop, 2008). Pearl Harbor The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor secured a major advantage for the Axis during World War II. The surprise attack achieved its intended purpose: to destabilise the Allies’ Pacific Fleet and to give Japan the time and space it needed to invade South-East Asia. Although the Allies would ultimately defeat Japan and the Axis, the Axis were able to take advantage of the damages to the Pacific Fleet and did indeed invade South-East Asia (Fuller, 1993). Battle of the Coral Sea The Allies gained a significant advantage in the Pacific Theater of the Second World War d uring the Battle of the Coral Sea against the Axis. During the Battler of the Coral Sea, both the Axis and the Allies would sustain significant damages. However, the damages sustained by the Axis were far greater than the Allies and as a result severely limited their participation in the Pacific Theater against the Allies (Henry, 2003). Battle of the Midway The Battle of Midway provided the Allies with its most important advantage during the Second World War in the Pacific Theater against the Axis. Japan sustained major damages to its navy from which it did not fully recover during the Battle of Midway. From this point on, Japan remained on the defensive rather than on the offensive. Thus the Battle of Midway was a turning point for the Axis during the Second World War in the Pacific Theater (Isom, 2007). Part 2: Fidel Castro: Annotated Timeline 1959: Through a guerrilla war, Fidel Castro overthrew Cuba’s military dictator Batista and was sworn in as Cuba’s Prime Minis ter (History Television, 2012). 1960: Castro immediately set the stage for the creation of a communist state, the first in the Western Hemisphere. In setting the stage for establishing a communist state, Castro nationalised businesses owned by the US which included oil refineries, casinos and factories. This lead to the US terminating diplomatic relations with Cuba and implementing trade sanctions (History Television, 2012). 1961: Castro made a public announcement that he was a Marxist-Leninist. This announcement coincided with Cuba’s increasing economic and military dependence on the Soviet Union (History Channel, 2012). October 1962: The US learned that Cuba was in possession of nuclear weapons and this led to a confrontation which was ultimately resolved by an agreement between the Soviet Union and the US. This was an agreement that Castro did not consent to. December 1962: Castro freed Cuban exiles who having been trained and supported by the CIA landed near the Bay of Pi gs with the intention of ousting Castro. The exiles were unsuccessful and were captured by Castro’s army. Castro released the exiles for â€Å"medical supplies and baby food worth about US$ 52 million† (History Channel, 2012). 1965: Castro merged his revolutionary parties with Cuba’s Communist Party and appointed himself the amalgamated party’

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Recount and the U.S. Supreme Court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Recount and the U.S. Supreme Court - Essay Example a political battle ended by the federal courts as the Florida Supreme Court ordered for a state-wide recount which is later on brought to an end by the U.S. Supreme Court. In this case, the Supreme Court resolved whether the recount is constitutional and identified a remedy once deemed unconstitutional. Within the American Judiciary, a writ of certiorari could be granted only for compelling reasons but of judicial discretion. One of the grounds cited by the judges, as per asserted in Rule 10, was the occurrence of discrepancy on the decision of Florida Supreme Court for ballot recounts. It could be recalled that in December of the same year, the Florida Supreme Court stated multiple court decisions regarding the presidential election and the process of manual recount which was mandated to be statewide and even with the appeal of Bush, were ordered for stay. Justice Scalia argued that the petitioner Gore has a substantial probability of success and a manual recount was granted in order to count the legally casted votes that may not be counted by the machine such as in cases of dimpled chad. Moreover, it was accounted by the justice that halting the pro cess of recounting votes will inevitably shed a confusion of the legitimacy of the election. Yet the issue remains, why did the U.S. Supreme Court overturn the decision of Florida Supreme Court on its mandated recount? The majority of the justices elected that the decision of Florida Supreme Court for state-wide manual recounting was unconstitutional as they reckon that the Florida Legislature aimed to utilize the â€Å"safe-harbor† benefits of â€Å"determination of controversy as to appointment of electors† as stated in Title 3 of the United States Code  § 5. Three justices, Rehnquist, Scalia and Thomas, claimed that the Florida Supreme Court’s decision violated the intent of Florida legislature while seven of them concurred that there was a defiance of the Equal Protection Clause in manual counting as there has

Monday, January 27, 2020

Healthy Food Options for College Students

Healthy Food Options for College Students Priya Gunasekaran Purpose Statement/ Research questions The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of college students living arrangements (independent variable) of food consumption (dependent variable), based on a college campus (the research site). Fruits and vegetables vs processed foods (control variable) focuses on modifying college students dietary intake and preferences in dining halls. The independent variable(s) living arrangements was defined as college students living in residential halls, living in a rented apartment (off campus), and living with their family. (El Ansari et al., 2012; Laska et al., 2010; Ridell et al., 2011). The dependent variable(s) will be food consumption defined as measuring the amount of foods consume through meals. (El Ansari et al., 2012). The control and intervening variable(s), fruits and vegetables (identify the control and intervening variables) will be defined as the daily average intake serving of fruits and vegetables consumed. Boek et al., 2012; El Ansari et al., 2012; Graham et al. , 2013; ODonnell et al., 2014; Yeh et al., 2010 ). This study will contribute to enhancing healthier food options for college students as well as to meet their nutritional needs. Also, a food frequency survey will be utilized to access how often do college students consume healthier options vs processed food based on their living arrangements. Research Questions Does living arrangement impact college students food consumption on healthier foods vs processed foods at campus dining halls? Null Hypothesis: There is no difference between choosing processed foods or healthier foods in college students food consumption based on living arrangement. Alternative Hypothesis: There is a difference between choosing processed foods or healthier foods in college students food consumption based on living arrangement. Hypothesis: College students with better food consumption are likely to consume more fruits and vegetables than processed foods that are unhealthy. Descriptive Questions 1. How does living arrangement affect college student food choices? 2. What are the factors that influence food consumption on college students? 3. How do college students rate on fruits and vegetable consumption vs processed foods based on their living arrangements? Inferential Question 1. How does food consumption depend on living arrangements on college students? 2. Does the consumption of fruits and vegetables help college student make smart, healthy food choices than choosing processed foods? References Boek, S., Bianco-Simeral, S., Chan, K., Goto, K. (2012). Gender and Race are Significant  Determinants of Students Food Choices on a College Campus. Journal of Nutrition  Education and Behavior, 44372-378. Retrieved from: Boucher, D., Gagne, C., Cote, F. (2015). Effect of an intervention mapping approach to  promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables among young adults in junior college:  A quasi-experimental study. Psychology Health, (11), 1306. Retrieved from: El Ansari, W., Stock, C., Mikolajczyk Rafael, T. (2012). Relationships between food  consumption and living arrangements among university students in four European  countries A cross-sectional study. Nutrition Journal, Vol 11, Iss 1, P 28 (2012), (1), 28.  Retrieved from: Fernandes, A. C., de Oliveira, R. C., Rodrigues, V. M., Fiates, G. R., da Costa Proenà §a, R. P.  (2015). Perceptions of university students regarding calories, food healthiness, and the  importance of calorie information in menu labelling. Appetite. Retrieved from: Graham, D. J., Pelletier, J. E., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Lust, K., Laska, M. N. (2013). Research:  Perceived Social-Ecological Factors Associated with Fruit and Vegetable Purchasing,  Preparation, and Consumption among Young Adults. Journal of The Academy of  Nutrition and Dietetics, 1131366-1374. Retrieved from: Laska, M. N., Larson, N. I., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Story, M. (2010). Dietary patterns and  home food availability during emerging adulthood: do they differ by living situation? Public Health Nutrition, 13 (2), 222-228. Retrieved from:   ODonnell, S., Greene, G. W., Blissmer, B. (2014). The Effect of Goal Setting on Fruit and  Vegetable Consumption and Physical Activity Level in a Web-Based Intervention.  Journal of Nutrition Education Behavior, 46 (6), 570-575. Retrieved from:   Riddell, L. J., Ang, B., Keast, R. S., Hunter, W. (2011). Research report: Impact of living  arrangements and nationality on food habits and nutrient intakes in young adults.  Appetite, 56726-731. Retrieved from:   Yeh, M., Matsumori, B., Obenchain, J., Viladrich, A., Das, D., Navder, K. (2010). Validity of  a Competing Food Choice Construct regarding Fruit and Vegetable Consumption among  Urban College Freshmen. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 42 (5), 321-327.  Retrieved from:  

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Rebel Without a Cause Essay

In the late hours of the night Jim Stark, the main character of Nicholas Ray’s, Rebel Without a Cause, can be found resting his head against a piece of crumpled wrapping paper, lying on the cold pavement, droning out all his troubles with the sound of a toy monkey’s clamour. Throughout the entirety of the film Jim constantly seems to be droning out his problems, whether it be with a toy monkey of with a rebellious facade, which subconsciously distracts him from his true issues. Jim Stark’s defiant nature is rooted at his angst and eagerness in which he holds within himself. The only manner in which he feels he can accurately expose his emotions is through rebellion. In the beginning of the film when Jim shouts to his arguing parents in despair, â€Å"You’re tearing me apart! You say one thing, he says another, and everybody changes back again,† he is unleashing the built up confusion that is festering inside of him. Being that Jim is a somewhat complicated teenager his thoughts often seem to be consumed with questions. Jim questions his masculinity, his choices, the meaning of his life and his purpose. This confusion within him leads him to become desperate for answers and since his parents do not seem to offer him a solution he rebels in order to find one on his own. Jim chooses to rebel in various different manners. The most dramatic forms of rebellion involve his parents and his peers, Judy, Plato, Buzz and Buzz’s gang. With his parents Jim questions their roles, specifically his fathers feminine mannerisms. Being that Jim’s mother seems to play a more masculine role while Jim’s father plays a more feminine role, Jim becomes confused and attempts to correct this problem through rebellion. A clear depiction of this is when Jim encounters his father in a frilly yellow apron cleaning up a tray of spilled food. At the sight of this Jim becomes infuriated with his father and tells him to stand up and be a man. This scene is later repeated later in the film when Jim returns home after the death of Buzz. After asking his father for guidance as to whether of not he should go to the police Jim’s father is unable to offer him a straight answer and resorts to everything that Jim’s mother has to say. This leads Jim’s mother to contemplate moving again and Jim responds by saying, â€Å"Dad, stand up for me. † At this point Jim is practically begging his father to be more of a man and to stand up for him against his mother. Jim’s father does not respond, propelling Jim to yank him up shouting, â€Å"Stand up. † This scene is a clear representation of Jim’s rebellion against his father. Jim feels as if he is lacking a fatherly figure and will resort to being violent towards his father in order to â€Å"man him up. † Another moment in which Jim’s rebellion shines through is in the deadly chicken game with his rival Buzz. Wearing a bright red jacket, to represent his destructive nature, over his pristine white shirt, that represents his true purity, Jim heads out the cliff where him and Buzz will drive stolen cars close to the water and jump out beforehand, the winner being the one who jumps out last. Buzz, who sports a yellow shirt representing his true cowardly ways, seems to push Jim into doing this strange activity. When Jim asks, â€Å"Why do we do this? † Buzz says â€Å"You got to do something. † In this moment it becomes obvious that Jim feels that by rebelling through the participation in this chicken game, he is developing some sort of meaning to his life. This game will create a name for himself amongst his peers and this influences him to participate. Because Jim is vulnerable and wants to fit in he gives in. His rebellious nature in this scene is derived from the need to fit in, which all teenagers go through. Often adolescents will attempt to prove themselves to their friends by doing something risky in order to be one with the crowd. Even though Jim knows that this is wrong, he is rebelling against his uncertainties and the unanswered questions he has within him because he views rebellion as the only viable answer. His overpowering emotions and his desire to fit in create a wicked mutineer out of him. Film critic Leo Goldsmith from Reverse Shot says in reference to the film, â€Å"Under Ray’s dissecting eye, the suburban home itself becomes a battleground where parent and child must scream over each other to be heard. † The beginnings of all of Jim’s problems seem to rest on the warzone in which he is living at home. This angst, resentment and anger that he feels towards his father translate throughout everything his does in his life and lead him to rebel. Because Frank is unable to fulfill his role of guiding Jim, Jim feels that he must find his way on his own, making his a rebel with a very good cause.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Richard III

Analysis of Richard III PassageMethoughts that I had broken from the Tower And was embarked to traverse to Burgundy, And in my company my brother Gloucester, Who from my cabin tempted me to walk Upon the hatches. Thence we looked toward England And cited up a 1000 fearful times, During the wars of York and Lancaster That had befall'n us. As we paced along Upon the dizzy terms of the hatches, Methought that Gloucester stumbled, and in falling Struck me, that thought to remain him, overboard Into the toppling surges of the chief. O Lord, methought what hurting it was to submerge, What awful noise of Waterss in my ears, What sights of ugly decease within my eyes. Methoughts I saw a 1000 fearful wracks, A thousand work forces that fishes gnawed upon, Wedges of gold, great ground tackles, tonss of pearl, Incomputable rocks, unappreciated gems, All scattered in the underside of the sea. Some ballad in dead work forces ‘s skulls, and in the holes Where eyes did one time inhabit, there were crept— As 'twere in contempt of eyes—reflecting treasures, That wooed the slimed underside of the deep And mocked the dead castanetss that lay scattered by. ( I: IV:9-33 ) Clarence ‘s prophetic dream sequence in Act I scene Four Begins and ends with premonition, as we see the slaying of Clarence and besides visualize the eerie and supernatural glance of an underworld beneath the ocean as we see Clarence distressingly drown. The transition begins with Richard and Clarence puting canvas to Burgundy, reminiscing on the horrors of the conflicts they had won and lost together throughout the war of the roses. As their ship begins to destabilize, Clarence is cast overboard after seeking to forestall Richard from falling. The text leads us to believe this is inadvertent despite logic stating us to instantly presume this was planned by Richard. As Clarence distressingly drowns, he begins to depict the dark, supernatural underbelly of the ocean. Multitudes of lost wealth and hoarded wealth are seen alongside decomposing cadavers and the liquors of 1000s of work forces, work forces whose deceases, it has been suggested, Clarence was partially responsible fo r as a consequence of the recent overthrow of the monarchy. Clarence ‘s dream sequence is laced with both dramatic linguistic communication and baleful boding throughout. An array of poetic devices and literary techniques are employed to successfully reenforce major issues and subjects of the drama as a whole within this transition. Numerous subjects are reinforced and introduced in this transition such as the apposition of earthly wealth and human mortality, the upseting trust that Clarence has for Richard, horror and calamity, and besides the motive of the dark and the supernatural. Furthermore if we read the transition from a modern position we can integrate a Freudian reading when analyzing what seems to be Clarence ‘s subconscious head. Whilst watching Richard III, the character of Richard is hard to side with nevertheless at the same clip there is a certain appeal and inventiveness about him that is difficult to dislike. There are cases throughout the drama which help to demo Richard as a antic linguist and a sympathetic Machiavellian hero. However, at the same clip the dramatic sarcasm used in the signifier of Clarence ‘s weakness and naivete is perchance the most powerful illustration throughout the full drama which shows the cold and evil inner nucleus of Richard ‘s character. When Clarence dreams of Richard killing him, the text seems to propose that Richard did this by accident as Clarence says that Richard â€Å"in falling, Struck me, that thought to remain him, overboard.† [ [ 1 ] ] The manner Clarence has made a point of stating how Richard merely pushed him â€Å"in falling† is interesting as it makes us oppugn the dependability of Clarence ‘s history. This dramatic sarcasm plants because from an audience ‘s position we are already cognizant of the dark nature and pitilessness of Richard, moreover we know that Richard is in the procedure of engineering the slaying of his brother Clarence. These factors make us oppugn the â€Å"accidental nature† of Clarence ‘s narrative despite it being a dream. Could this dream in fact be a message straight from Clarence ‘s subconscious trying to warn him of his impending decease? We could in fact read this transition as Shakespeare trying to show a sixteenth century equivalent to Freud ‘s construct of the subconscious head. The audience is now to the full anticipating the impending decease of Clarence, and the incapacitated audience is forced to sympathize with him and get down to contemn Richard. The experience of this scene could be summed up by a quotation mark from critic Charles Barber, who believes â€Å"Clarence ‘s incredulity in his ain dream creates the feeling that Rich ard ‘s immorality is excessively monstrous for those around him to accept or conceive of, and therefore it amplifies our horror of Richard.† [ [ 2 ] ] The antecedently mentioned construct of Shakespeare meaning to demo the workings of Clarence ‘s subconscious is besides fascinating as it demonstrates a sample of a theory that was non to go popularly recognised for 100s of old ages. This element adds deepness and verisimilitude to the drama and besides adds to our hatred for Richard. Freud describes the unconscious head as â€Å"a reservoir of feelings, ideas, impulses, and memories that are outside of our witting awareness.† [ [ 3 ] ] It would look that these feelings are more perceptive in some ways than Clarence ‘s witting 1s. Somehow Clarence ‘s unconscious has picked up more about Richard ‘s character than his witting head. This poses an interesting inquiry, even to a modern audience, about the antic complexness of our heads. An audience who embraces this reading is likely to happen this idea provoking and be intellectually stimulated by this construct. If we take this transition to intend that th at Clarence ‘s unconscious head is seeking to state him something, so we besides read that his witting head is disregarding it for non merely does he presume his dreamed decease was an accident, but he subsequently goes on to province how his brother â€Å"loves me dear† and says to the liquidators ( hired by Richard ) that â€Å"if you be hired for meed, travel back once more, And I will direct you to my brother Gloucester, Who shall honor you better for my life.† [ [ 4 ] ] Clarence ‘s refusal to move upon this portents and moreover disregard his ain ego is important in demoing the power and use Richard is capable of. When the audience listens to Clarence ‘s history of his dream, the transition should render as extremely important as it foreshadows many of the events yet to come in the drama. When Clarence begins to submerge this is in fact an eerie prefiguration of his eventual decease, and more specifically submerging minutes subsequently in the scene. One critic has besides read this dream as besides boding the nightmare Richard himself experiences prior to the conflict of Bosworth in Act V scene V. [ [ 4b ] ] There is much boding throughout the drama, such as when Queen Margaret, a enchantress like character, is introduced. Queen Margaret begins to state curst prognostications as a acrimonious effort to revenge all of those who have antecedently wronged her. It is besides interesting to observe that through this transition, Shakespeare has included a subject that was popular amongst Renaissance literature, whereby earthly wealth is shown in apposition with human mortality. [ [ 4c ] ] This was a common concern among authors of the clip as earthly wealth ‘s value was questioned in many ways because of the realization that we can non purchase â€Å"life† and wealth will intend nil in the hereafter. While absorbing the address, we notice that there are infinite images in this transition that barrage us with this subject. The lost hoarded wealths are described to a great extent and often such as the â€Å"wedges of gold, great ground tackles, tonss of pearl, incomputable rocks, and unappreciated jewels.† However it becomes clearer why Shakespeare has made a point of making this when we consider this subject of human mortality versus earthly wealth. When we so go on to see â€Å"Some [ gems ] ballad in dead work forces â⠂¬Ëœs skulls, and in the holes Where eyes did one time inhabit† decease and wealth are non merely in apposition, they are basically merged as one. The manner the gems have been incorporated into the oculus sockets of the skull makes the apposition even more dramatic as they about seem as one entity because of the manner we associate the gems as eyes slotting into the sockets of a skull. This transition is besides important in the manner it introduces the motive of the Gothic into the drama. Clarence ‘s dream sequence accompanied with the eerie cursing of Queen Margaret subsequently in the drama, are both scenes which contribute to the Gothic elements of this drama through mentions to the supernatural and the unknown, and minutes of horror. Horror as a literary term can be described as â€Å"The feeling of repugnance that normally occurs after something terrorization is seen, heard, or otherwise experienced.† [ [ 5 ] ] We see horror in the transition when Clarence describes in item the scenes of the underworld and the nature of his painful drowning. Clarence explains â€Å"what pain it was to submerge, What awful noise of Waterss in my ears, What sights of ugly decease within my eyes.† This dramatic address forces the audience to get down to see the submerging themselves as Clarence uses powerful imagery such as the H2O in his ears and the hurting that he experienced. Furthermore the grotesque and macabre images of â€Å"a thousand work forces that fishes gnawed upon† besides help to dismay the audience. Supernatural elements that besides contribute to the Gothic feel of the drama are seen in another subsequent prognostication manner dream of Clarence ‘s where he sees the shade of Prince Edward, a Lancastrian whom Clarence had helped to kill. Edward begins to cuss Clarence as liquors begin to drag him below to the underworld. After analyzing Clarence ‘s dream in Act I scene IV, it can be concluded that Shakespeare has employed a scope of literary techniques and thoughts that help to reenforce and present of import subjects that permeate the full drama. Techniques such as dramatic sarcasm encourages us to appreciate the immorality of Richard, and the inclusion of a subconscious aid add deepness and machination to the drama. Furthermore the transition is a utile penetration into the drama as a whole through the debut of other of import subjects and issues of the twenty-four hours such as horror, the supernatural, and the apposition of earthly wealth and human mortality.BibliographyBarber Charles, Notes on Richard III, ( London, Longman, 1999 ) Devendra, Varma The Gothic Flame, ( New York: Russell and Russell, 1966 ) Radcliffe, Ann On the Supernatural in Poetry, Exert taken from New Monthly Magazine vol.16 No.1 hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 22.4.09 ] Shakespeare, William, Richard III, ( London, The Arden Shakespeare, 2006 ) Strachey, James ( Trans. ) , ed. Anna Freud, The Necessities of Psychoanalysis, ( London: Vintage Books, 2005. ) [ [ 1 ] ] William Shakespeare, Richard III, ( London, The Arden Shakespeare, 2006 ) I.IV.19-20 [ [ 2 ] ] Charles Barber, Notes on Richard III, ( London, Longman,1999 ) p.75 [ [ 3 ] ] James Strachey ( Trans. ) , ed. Anna Freud, The Necessities of Psychoanalysis, ‘the unconscious ‘ ( London: Vintage Books, 2005. ) p.46 [ [ 4 ] ] William Shakespeare, Richard III, ( London, The Arden Shakespeare, 2006 ) I.IV 217-218 p.183 [ [ 4b ] ] Barber Charles, Notes on Richard III, ( London, Longman, 1999 ) p.96 [ [ 4c ] ] Ibid. [ [ 5 ] ] Varma Devendra, The Gothic Flame, ( New York: Russell and Russell, 1966 ) p.17

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay about Aristotle vs Plato - 1665 Words

Aristotle is considered by many to be one of the most influential philosophers in history. As a student of Plato, he built on his mentor’s metaphysical teachings of things like The Theory of Forms and his views on the soul. However, he also challenged them, introducing his own metaphysical ideas such as act and potency, hylemorphism, and the four causes. He used these ideas to explain his account of the soul and the immateriality of intellect. Prior to Aristotle, philosophers like Parmenides and Heraclitus argued about the existence of change. Aristotle used the terms act and potency to respond to Parmenides arguments about change’s non-existence and bridge the gap between Parmenides and Heraclitus’ polar views.†¦show more content†¦He rejected his predecessor’s beliefs that there was only one principle, as he believed that in order for something to change and not itself be changed in the process it must consist of two principles; one that changes and one that remains the same. Aristotle believed that these substances were form and matter. It was Aristotle’s claim that form is the constant, unchanging principle in a person. It is because of form that we have consistency and permanence (Feser 10/27/10). Just as importantly, there is matter, the principle which allows a substance to be changed and prevents it from being stagnent in one place or time. It is because of matter that we have change and imperfections (Feser 10/27/10). We can see the idea of Hylemorphism represented in Aristotle’s other doctrine, act and potency. Matter is a things potential, or its ability to be â€Å"in potency;† while form is a things ability to change matter from potential to being â€Å"actualized† (Internet Source 1). In response to the numerous metaphysical questions of his day, Aristotle derived his theory of The Four Causes. These causes attempted to explain the cause or purpose of something; or the â€Å"why?â⠂¬  These causes are the Formal Cause, Material Cause, Efficient cause, and Final Cause. The first called the Formal Cause deals with a thing’s form which holds its true nature or essence. Second, the Material Cause explains the matter that a thing is madeShow MoreRelatedPlato vs. Aristotle2421 Words   |  10 PagesBy Gerard Chretien Plato vs. Aristotle Numerous experts in modern time regard Plato as the first genuine political philosopher and Aristotle as the first political scientist. They were both great thinkers in regards to, in part with Socrates, being the foundation of the great western philosophers. Plato and Aristotle each had ideas in how to proceed with improving the society in which they were part of during their existence. 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